Catalyst 5.7 and 5.8
On the table for 5.7 are quite a few enhancements as well. HyperMemory will be getting an upgrade in performance, CCC will come to 64-bit versions of Windows, and Multi-GPU features will be enabled. We can also expect new Media Center Extensions that will be geared towards helping users set up their displays.
Catalyst 5.8 will see a new wizard come along, which should handle everything that anyone could want to do with their driver. This should even further extend ATI's ability to empower customers who aren't familiar with how graphics cards work.

Also coming down the pipeline for 5.8 is a new interface for adjusting HDTV settings, including HDTV over DVI. This should really help, as it is a difficult task to get a computer set up to work well with an HDTV these days. ATI has said that the adjustments would include the function to adjust the borders of the video in order to minimize overscan while maximizing useable desktop space.

And that about does it for the information that we have on upcoming Catalyst launches. Hopefully, releases 5.7 and 5.8 will also be able to deliver some performance improvement as well.
View All Comments
LoneWolf15 - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link
You'd think that a site this high quality would have someone going over copy before publishing. I know it sounds bitchy, but man, grammar goes a long way towards making a good site better.(ATI didn't take the reigns with mobile drivers, they took the REINS. Reign = kings/queens/rulers, reins=horses).
As for ATI, I'm not a big Catalyst Control Center fan either; the interface looks nice, but I don't want anything that takes .NET to run and makes a good thing slower. What I DO want is working DXVA support for HD WMV video acceleration. In Catalyst 5.5, you have to unlock it in the registry, and while CPU usage goes down, it de-syncs the audio.
lifeblood - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link
I wonder if the OpenGL improvement was in the linux version. The Linux users I know hate ATI because of it's poor Linux performance.I have a 9600XT. Would a new driver do the least bit of good for me? At 100MB I'm not going to install it just for the eye candy.
yacoub - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link
I look at those images and all I see is worthless bloat and gaudy GUI everywhere. :(#2 = "Why do certain contributers to this site seem unable to correctly use apostrophes?"
Welcome to the Internet where no one seem's able to use apostrophe's properly. (Really though, I hate it too.)
Sunbird - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link
The driver control center is useless, when I had it installed my screen would go black for a second after going into the desktop when rebooting, I'm so glad I uninstalled it.nserra - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link
I agree with #3.Maybe you would see performance gains with some specific ati card, board (chipset), processor, game detail setting, ...
gibhunter - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link
What I'm seeing here is more fluff without any substence. The driver control center is a bloated memory hog, slow to come up, slow to work with and shows negligeble performance improvement. With 100MB download it is a step back, not a step forward.Azsen - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link
Are they available for download yet?Live - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link
Did you contact ATI about not seeing any performance gains? If not you should. My thought is that there might be special settings needed to get the boost. This then most certainly would involve tradeoffs of some sort but it would be interesting to know if this is the case. Since opengl performance is basically the only thing holding ATI back right now. Assuming of course that crossfire is as good as they say it is.Woodchuck2000 - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link
Why do certain contributers to this site seem unable to correctly use apostrophes? The quality of jounalism on this site is normally excellent, but "ATI's Next Three Month's Of Catalyst" is simply inexcusable!On a seperate note, the install for the current Catalyst with Control Centre is over 100Mb which (in my humble opinion), is ridiculously bloated for what it does.
MAME - Thursday, June 9, 2005 - link
go ati, competition is a good thing