Controversy: I Has It

The GTA series has always done a good job of poking fun at, well, everything. One thing that I did appreciate in GTA4 is that the game does do a good job of providing loud, but non-confrontational commentary on a lot of social and political issues. Everything from gun control to race relations, and my personal favorite: criticism of our mainstream media.

The use of satire in GTA4 is quite possibly the single most impressive thing about the game; it is done so pervasively that if half the people that GTA4 makes fun of realized what was going on, we might find ourselves in the midst of a civil war. It feels strange to say this, but despite how in-your-face the satirical commentary is, it’s all so subtle since there is so much more going on in the game. I was driving down a road headed to a mission when I heard the first commercial for Weazel News, it left me with a smile on my face.

The commentary isn't the focus of the game, but keep a few of the talk radio stations on or pay attention to more than just the story and you'll easily pick up on it. While I wouldn't compare the "acting" in GTA4 to a movie, the writers have clearly put in enough social dialogue to rival, if not best, Hollywood.


That's just plain funny

I was blown away by how much negative coverage Mass Effect got in the non-gaming press and I'm curious to see how, and when, GTA4 will ruffle feathers. I hope for Rockstar's sake, GTA4 doesn't become the punching bag that San Andreas or Mass Effect were, but I somehow don't believe we've gotten beyond all of that yet.

It’s an Evolution Baby Final Words
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  • Tegeril - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - link

    Uh right. This is not a game review. This is Anand's thoughts on a poignant topic.
  • GaryJohnson - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - link

    A rose by any other name...
  • GhandiInstinct - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - link

    You have better critique and analyzations than any professional game reviewer.

    Please review more stuff :D
  • ultimatex - Thursday, May 1, 2008 - link

    you are right. Fan boys wont agree but this is a straight unbias review. needs ranking though

    7.0 .. dam hype = money for creators
  • psychobriggsy - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - link

    I found the review miserable and nitpicking.

    Oh no, unlike in a FPS I can't walk at 20mph for 20 minutes not stop.

    Oh no, I bought the inferior 360 version with loading screens.


    Not even a single mention of the improved police situation. An awful review by someone who year by year becomes increasingly embittered for no apparent reason.
  • FITCamaro - Thursday, May 1, 2008 - link

    Inferior is your point of view. The loading screen does not detract from the game at all. Would it be nice if it wasn't there? Sure. Does it make any difference in the game? Perhaps to him, but probably not to the majority.
  • SleepyGreg - Thursday, May 1, 2008 - link

    I couldn't agree more. This review was miserable and nitpicking. It's as if he's seen all the praise and deliberatley set out to point out all the flaws. Complaining about the draw distance, animation and loading screens is just crazy, for an environment of that size and detail they've done an amazing job.
  • formulav8 - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - link

    While I do agree somewhat that the article wasn't really all that informative and didn't have much of a point, it isn't as bad as you claim it to be. At least to me it isn't.

  • Locutus465 - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - link

    Anand isn't a professional reviewer?? I do agree on his skill though, I was just commenting that I wish I had his journolistic skill so I too could have my own super popular tech site and more importantly the home theater he's building ;) Makes my 50" DLP and onkyo 605 seem so pedestrian...

    Anyway, excellent review... I'm actually considering picking this up for my 360... But probably after mario kart ;)
  • GhandiInstinct - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - link

    professional GAME reviewer

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