Future Forecast: Hazy
If you check out some of the latest reviews for Haze, you'll find scores that match those given to games that are either broken or downright horrible. This is not the case with Haze, as it is hardly broken and actually quite enjoyable. However, it does lack the quite a bit polish and is graphically inferior to the expectations of today's gamers. The campaign, which will take the average player about seven hours to complete, is a bit on the short side and suffers from the lack of a good challenge even on the highest difficulty settings. Still, the game does have its moments and is enjoyable enough to keep players plugging away from beginning to end.
Haze is a fun game in its own right, but is not amazing by any stretch of imagination. Its style and fun weapons place it among the ranks of other shooters released within the past year, such as Turok, TimeShift, Army of Two, and The Club. PS3 owners looking for a new experience will find it here, but those looking for a shooter to compliment the likes of Call of Duty 4 and Resistance: Fall of Man will not. Haze is simply a mediocre FPS that players may enjoy and forget. Haze leaves itself open for a sequel, but Haze 2 doesn't sound quite as exciting as it could have.

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aeternitas - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - link
I agree with this.Many months ago I read a digital camera review here. I could see that they were trying really hard to sound like they knew what they were talking about, but there were so many obvious gaping holes and leaps in logic that any semi-pro digital photographer would just scoff at.
Missleading half truths simply due to not understanding the technology!
Honestly, if this site (or any online) doesn't want to dedicate one reviewer to a category, and have that person well versed, then there is little to no reason to do reviews on technology that you guys need not be. I much rather see updates on the video card section. Or maybe a lil expose on modern CPUs and how they work at the deeper level.
You guys REALLY have plunty of stuff to review, rather than an extremely poor and very ugly version of Halo.
Come on.
malkavianjkames - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - link
I thought it was more of a commentary than a review. I honestly don't care what anandtech has to say about if this good is worth playing or not. Alot of the comments, however, were informative about the game in an honest manner and I welcome them.Actually, I get a big impression that this game sounds like a more open ended "Red Faction 2" haha.
Baked - Monday, May 26, 2008 - link
What the hell, AT does game reviews now?Ensoph42 - Monday, May 26, 2008 - link
Guys, stick to what you know. There are other sites out there that specialize in game reviews and do a much better job. I don't go to gamespot for thier hardware reviews and I don't come to anandtech for game reviews.poohbear - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - link
yea true dat! unless the game review incorporates some kind of hardware (eg videocard, quad core support) analysis, please dont do console game reviews.soydeedo - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - link
Agreed. I didn't really think it was a bad article, but I don't want these things to take the place of hardware articles. I also don't think I'll ever really rely on this site for game reviews. Make a spin-off or something like DailyTech, but incorporating it into AT isn't that smart.JarredWalton - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - link
Note that the author (Eddie) is not one of our hardware reviewers, so his presence as a game reviewer is not taking time away from other articles. I do have a few game articles I'm working on, but they are PC games and they will certainly discuss the hardware side of things as well. Stay tuned....GoodRevrnd - Monday, May 26, 2008 - link
I have to honestly wonder what the point of this article is. AT isn't a game review website, so is this a test to see how it goes over? Can you even release reviews with the regularity necessary to maintain credibility? Judging from the waning Rock Band DLC reviews, I'm guessing not. So that brings up the other question: Did Sony just pay you all to review an exclusive for the mere purpose of plastering a great big "HEY WE HAVE AN EXCLUSIVE" on the front of the page?JarredWalton - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - link
We're looking to do more game reviews. And the "Exclusive" was put there by me meaning "this is a PS3 Exclusive" not "this is an exclusive review".anandtech02148 - Monday, May 26, 2008 - link
not too many reviews for this game, and it looks promising for my underuse hardwares. Please review age of conan.