I've got no agenda of my own, I'm only here to do the best job I can possibly do in the best interest of the readers. That being said, I'm wondering if a good way of tackling the price issue is to do a month with an iMac G5?

That could provide an interesting way to incorporate many of the things I didn't talk about in the first Mac article that I would have liked to have touched on. Just a thought.
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  • Patrick - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - link

    Take the G5 iMac for a spin and tell us what you think.

    I love the 20" I bought my wife. It's just a beautiful machine. The first thing you need to do is get over the lowly GPU and anemic RAM (I put in 1 GB before I even turned it on) and then enjoy... you won't regret it.
  • MisterSpeaker - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - link

    Speaking of speakers: The speakes on the 12" PowerBook are incredible for a machine that size. They sit on the back of the machine and reflect and resound of the screen, which creates a much bigger and better sound than you'd expect. There is also a mysterious third speaker that sits inside the machine and works a bit like a tiny subwoofer. Excellent, full sound from a tiny machine.
  • dgoodnow - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - link

    Something to watch with the PowerBooks--or listen to, rather--Windoze laptop speaker have come a long way, particularly on the multimedia models. The speakers were what drove me to buy my VIAO laptop rather than the 17" G4 which I had walked into CompUSA to pick up.
    Yup, check in hand, I asked a clerk if I could play a CD...he came up with Pantera (rock!) from the break-room, and I bought a completely different kind of machine.
    I would REALLY like to see a comparison of what the G5 can do compared with iTanium 2 and Athlon 64. Maybe run SuSE on all of them for benchmarking Doom3 or Unreal 2004 and some labratory/mathematical problems/(that radiotelescope analysis thingie?)
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - link

    GTaudiophile, why would Jobs contact Anand about anything?
  • xype - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - link

    You can test iLife together with the iMac while you're at it.
  • GTaudiophile - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - link

    Anand: I'm curious, did Steve Jobs contact you about that article by any chance?

  • Commodus - Monday, October 11, 2004 - link

    I'd like to see a separate iMac G5 review. I don't think gaming benchmarks would be in order (we all know it's not a real gaming rig), but perhaps the ergonomics, general UI responsiveness, etc.
  • Eug - Monday, October 11, 2004 - link

    Interesting... a month with an iMac (or perhaps an iBook) would be a nice add-on to your article. However, it seems like an awfully expensive experiment, esp. after you've spent so much on the dual G5 (which will only make the iMac/iBook feel slow).
  • Doc - Monday, October 11, 2004 - link

    An excellent idea. If you want an easy way to get an idea of UK Mac depreciation take a look at the second hand resale site/newspaper at:


    The newspapers are published over much of the country.
  • Mac Gamer - Monday, October 11, 2004 - link

    You might want to look at laptops as well, Macs compare particularly well in that segment.

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