Intel 815 Chipset

by Anand Lal Shimpi on June 27, 2000 5:06 PM EST

While we normally refrain from running synthetic benchmarks for our reviews we made an exception in order to provide some effective memory bandwidth numbers courtesy of SiSoft Sandra. The two benchmarks we used were the Integer and FPU memory bandwidth tests which both use the STREAM benchmarking core, a tried and true solution.

Here we get a repetition of what our real world benchmarks have been showing us all along. The overclocked BX chipset comes out on top, followed by the i815 and although most of our real world tests indicate that the VIA 133A can actually pull ahead of the i820 + RDRAM platform the Integer STREAM benchmark seems to indicate the exact opposite. This could very well be pointing out the weaknesses in VIA's memory controller which place the 133A below the i815 and BX chipsets in quite a few tests.


The standings change a bit in the FPU STREAM test as the i820 platform actually comes out on top. While we have yet to provide a real world benchmark that can support this data, the standings otherwise seem to be in agreement with what we've seen earlier.

Direct3D Gaming Performance - Windows 98SE High End Performance - Windows 2000
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  • Kastriot - Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - link

    God old times.
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  • EllenStevens - Monday, June 15, 2020 - link

    As technology is progressing day by day, more and more devices are coming on the market. It was the year 1997 when the chipset for system pentium 2 was introduced before the Intel 815 Chipset. Both these chipsets worked best at their times and now I can check to find out quality work. Thank you.

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