11:43PM EDT - Computex is very busy already this year, so much being released. Until the next press event!

11:42PM EDT - we'll get a closer look later today, look out for updates and new galleries

11:42PM EDT - That's the end of the presentation, everyone is rushing to the equipment


11:40PM EDT - Also got told some juicy information about the G20 and GR8. Will be at the ASUS booth later today, will try and confirm the info

11:40PM EDT - It's crazy

11:40PM EDT - That's all the new stuff

11:39PM EDT - Single slot design

11:39PM EDT - only 500 pieces this year, maybe more later based on demand

11:39PM EDT - this is an R9 295X2 with an EK Waterblock, limited edition

11:38PM EDT - Now the Ares III VGA

11:38PM EDT - First ROG AMD motherboard since 990FX Fomula-Z

11:38PM EDT - Lots of ROG on FM2+

11:37PM EDT - releasing in July

11:37PM EDT - 1ms response time

11:37PM EDT - one-click button to adjust refresh rate, 60/120/144 Hz

11:36PM EDT - G-sync! 1440p!

11:36PM EDT - ROG Swift PB278Q

11:36PM EDT - Now a monitor

11:35PM EDT - red, of course

11:35PM EDT - two slide-to-press buttons

11:35PM EDT - detachable micro-USB cable

11:35PM EDT - Japanese-made OMRON switches in the mouse, exclusive

11:33PM EDT - Keyboard has customizable keys

11:33PM EDT - Mouse designed for FPS

11:32PM EDT - GK2000 Keyboard and Gladius Mouse

11:31PM EDT - Kris Huang on the video talking about the new ROG mouse

11:31PM EDT - video of gamers now

11:30PM EDT - First up, Gaming Peripherals

11:30PM EDT - Five more products for gaming

11:29PM EDT - Actually word in my ear is that the Extreme team might be focusing on a later platform perhaps, as one might expect

11:28PM EDT - No Extreme model?

11:28PM EDT - Compatible with OC Panel and Front Base

11:27PM EDT - SupremeFX Impact II

11:27PM EDT - M.2 x4 on the Impact

11:27PM EDT - the VI Impact was popular

11:27PM EDT - the VI Impact was popular

11:26PM EDT - A lot of people have been waiting for this

11:26PM EDT - Now the Maximus VII Impact

11:26PM EDT - mPCIe Combo III

11:26PM EDT - Bundled with Watch Dogs

11:25PM EDT - New Crosschill Copper

11:25PM EDT - Looks like the VI Formula witht he all over cover, but obviously Z97 features

11:25PM EDT - Maximus VII Formula!

11:24PM EDT - World's first dual-color PCB

11:23PM EDT - ROG Motherboards now

11:23PM EDT - dual fan cooling system

11:23PM EDT - 4K display!

11:23PM EDT - 100% NTSC, 108% Adobe RGB

11:23PM EDT - Wide color gamut

11:22PM EDT - 15.6 inch, 19mm, 2.2kg

11:22PM EDT - The GX500

11:21PM EDT - Now a gaming notebook

11:21PM EDT - GR8 will have a Steam version in the future

11:21PM EDT - Both G20 and GR8 support Steam OS

11:19PM EDT - Upgradable storage, 4K support, Miracast, 802.11ac Intel LAN

11:19PM EDT - Using Core i7 and 750 Ti

11:19PM EDT - GR8 is 2.5 liter

11:19PM EDT - "Mayan pattern is beautiful"

11:19PM EDT - "Game anywhere"

11:18PM EDT - it's a console PC

11:18PM EDT - Now the GR8 (greeeat)

11:18PM EDT - Aegis software UI for monitoring system performance

11:18PM EDT - 25 dB, 20W idle power

11:17PM EDT - air in the bottom, out at the top

11:17PM EDT - Special design for thermal

11:17PM EDT - Core i7 and GTX 780 in 12.5 liters

11:17PM EDT - 8 million color options

11:16PM EDT - Best CHoice Gold Award for G20

11:15PM EDT - G20 and GR8

11:15PM EDT - "New ultimate gaming machines"

11:15PM EDT - "In pursuit of portability and power"

11:14PM EDT - Corporate VP of Motherboard and Desktop SBU

11:14PM EDT - Joe Hsieh on stage

11:14PM EDT - "Excited about partnership and innovation"

11:14PM EDT - Devil's Canyon mentioned too

11:13PM EDT - and Broadwell for 9-series

11:13PM EDT - Mentioned the unlocked Pentium

11:13PM EDT - Lisa Graff has been the head person behind Intel's recent enthusiast push

11:12PM EDT - "We are investing more in our products for the gaming market"

11:12PM EDT - "In Search of Incredible is a great slogan"

11:11PM EDT - Lisa Graff from Intel on stage

11:11PM EDT - "ROG's New Power and Beauty"

11:10PM EDT - "We live and breathe for performance"

11:10PM EDT - "Power and Beauty"

11:10PM EDT - "We share a passion for winning and pushing performance to the Extreme"

11:09PM EDT - Jonney Shih on stage

11:09PM EDT - Some of ASUS' famous overclockers are on screen

11:08PM EDT - Woohoo starting with dubstep

11:03PM EDT - Lively disco beat, the event is quite full

11:00PM EDT - These ROG events always bring out some crazy engineering. Last year we saw the combined air/water cooling heatsink on the GPU if I remember correctly

10:59PM EDT - A couple of minutes to the start

10:58PM EDT - Kristian and I are here, I'll be on text, Kristian on photographs

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  • mindbomb - Monday, June 2, 2014 - link

    the asus case has more colors than most asus monitors can display.
  • Sabresiberian - Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - link

  • Weakssauce - Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - link

    Wait do where's the extreme? I need a Plx chip!
  • extide - Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - link

    It will come, be patient.
  • The Von Matrices - Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - link

    I'm curious to see the PG278Q reviewed. If it reviews well it could be my next monitor.

    Also, why is this live blog is reverse chronological order while the Apple one earlier today was in forward chronological order?
  • panda-fu - Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - link

    What the hell is it with the booth babes? Stop it, Asus!
  • junky77 - Saturday, June 7, 2014 - link

    totally. That's where we are living
  • Impulses - Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - link

    Interesting to see them moving into gaming peripherals, though it's only natural I guess, possibly more so than other markets they've moved into (sound cards? still clinging to my STX as a cheap/compact amp/DAC internal solution). Those console-like boxes are bound to be a lot more interesting once Valve gets Steam OS out the door... Not to me personally, but it's a big development for the gaming market at large.
  • Sabresiberian - Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - link

    In my opinion a "console PC gaming" will mostly be interesting to those who play on game consoles now, and it will only interest them if the entry price is around the same price as those consoles - which is $400 for a complete system. "System" meaning nothing else needed except the game.

    The Steam OS seems to have some sort of magic appeal about it. It's only advantage is price, and right now you give up graphics performance as well as a bunch of other things a PC can do. I think it's a good thing in that it has made console gamers think more about getting a PC instead, but other than that - they have a long way to go before I'd consider buying or recommending a "Steam Machine" to friends and family.
  • tackle70 - Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - link

    Yeah... they need to stop with the booth/stage babes. That's absurd and juvenile.

    Anyways, some of these products look really good. I'm particularly interested in their 27" 1440p 144 Hz Gsync monitor... I am not sure I would actually buy it, since I'm looking for a larger form factor 4k screen myself, but it looks really tempting. Can't wait to read reviews.

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